Sunday, March 28, 2010

Helping Hand

Here is something I learnt from work.

This happened about 10 days ago if I'm not wrong.

It was in fact one of the busiest day ever due to the shortage of manpower.

What I saw was definitely true friendship.

A colleague of mine who goes by the name of Joyce was floundering as the boss tasked her something that she is not skilled in and de facto had no idea about! Nonetheless, she said that she will try her best for she knows that our boss will mark her down if she were to say that she did not know how to do it.

At this point in time, when everyone is so busy, another colleague of mine who is called Jeslyn went over and help Joyce because she has some knowledge in what she was tasked to do. Then why not ask Jeslyn to do it in the first place you might ask. Well I myself am not sure of that!

Anyway, the point is, Jeslyn had a lot of work that day too but nevertheless, she went over and offered her help.

This is bona fide friendship to me. Helping your friends when they need help. A lot of us have the proclivity to approach others only when we need help ourselves. When others need help, we just pretend we didn't hear anything like those people sitting on the handicapped seats in the bus. We just act ignorant, as if we do not know a thing.

Are you guilty of that yourself? Well I sure am. That is for sure a human nature but I believe that we can change for the better.

Instead of leaving our friends to drown, we should start to offer our helping hand and continue to build an even stronger bond between ourselves and our friends, for this will be a bond that will be perennial. A bond that will bring you unprecedented rewards in the future.

Trust me.

So from today onwards, start to offer your help as and when possible. Do not conceal yourself when others need help or they will do the same thing when you need help one day!

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