Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10 Most Admirable Quality

Walt Disney

It's impeccable product quality is touted as one of the best in the world. They too, have an excellent management team where they go down to their own theme parks as part of their crew for a week.

On top of that, their Disney channel has gotten themselves lots of money.

This is done to allow the management team to better draft up new policies that can tailor to the needs of the employees on the field.


The controller of 80% of the world's PC microprocessor market, with a steady inflow of innovations throughout the year.

It's latest innovation is the 32-nanometer chip.

On top of that, it will benefit tremendously from the rise in demand for Intel's processors in an attempt to retrofit by all the corporations out there.


Without a shadow of a doubt, the many fans out there will agree that Apple is top-notch when it comes to innovation.

It's latest iPad might not have impressed everyone but nonetheless it is something new.

The number of iPhone sales doubled to 25 million, making it the world's 3rd largest smartphone maker even though it has only sold phone in 3 years.

The number of iPods sold has been constantly rising even though it has already been in the market for so long. Innovations is the sole reason why it's market is not satured yet.

Singapore Airlines

All the singaporeans out there, you had better be damn proud man. We are talking about the world ranking here.

First-class passengers still enjoy Dom Perignon, lobster thermidor and saffron rice while reclining in hand-stiched Italian leather seats. They can fall asleep in complimentary Louis Vuitton pajamas while watching a personal 23-inch TV.

Even during the financial crisis, Singapore Airlines did not compromise any one of their services.

This is the type of value that the customers treasure over money. That is why their income is steadily rising and it is still being touted as one of the best airline in the best airport ever made.

We pawned Delta Airlines and American Airlines man! Way to Go!


Adobe's products are the gold standard for the toughest of critics: creative professionals. Its Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere programs are must-haves for this group; for the rest of us, there's Adobe's ubiquitous Flash Player and Acrobat PDF reader.

I mean their PDF reader is one of the best when it comes to the submission of an immaculate report. What sucks more than to not be able to read a masterpiece just because your version is not compatible with that of the report's?

Procter & Gamble

One of my favourite brand, too bad it's not in Singapore.

It has recently started an Olay uproar in the market. I'm sure you have seen more of their advertisements on TV and the rise in the number of Olay products on the shelve.

After being touted by the influential beauticians out there, Olay has gained sufficient recognition. It has even managed to steal customers from the up-scale beauty shops out there.

Credits -cnn, -maconlysource, -culturalexploration, -blogspot, -creativebits, -forevergeeks, -dandare

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