Saturday, March 27, 2010

Abysmal Incompetency

Yes, as the title suggest, I was infuriated with anger yesterday due to the abysmal incompetency of my "supervisor" who plans the schedule for all of us because the system that does it is apparently down.

I'm typing this post with a placid persona because I have already calmed myself down.

Yeah so it goes, a few days back . . .

On wednesday, 24 March, I was discussing with my friends about Good Friday, nope we are not Christians, rather I was thinking that it will be great to work on Good Friday because you get double the pay, which is definitely a bountiful sum of money!

I was thinking since my schedule this week sucks so badly, the next one should be pretty great. So with great optimisim and alacrity, I was pretty sure that I had the Good Friday work day in the bag.

Considering that this week my off day was on Tuesday and Friday, I thought that there's no way I will be losing my weekend once again the next week.

But as you all might have already guessed. It happened. I'm on off on Friday again and I will be foregoing my weekend once again. The thing is not really focused on that fact that I will be losing my weekend. Rather, it is focused on the fact that I'm actually on off on a Friday and the worst part is that I will be losing my double pay opportunity which is practically like a once-in-a-blue moon opportunity.

So I went to approach him and I asked him why am I on off on a Friday again? And he told me that the schedule now is manually planned out by him and so it's a bit screwed up.

I was thinking to myself, what do you mean a bit? It's completely screwed up, 101%.

The tales of his incompetency bore me seriously. It is no wonder he is earning a measly amount of money every month. I guess the pay really does commensurate to his capabilities. Oh wait, perhaps I'm wrong, he deserve way lesser than that, given his intelligence.

He can't even plan a schedule properly? This palpably shows how pathetic his planning skills actually are.

If you can't do it right, at least get someone else to help you. Don't be ambitious and do it yourself.

Furthermore, this is not the first time he has failed us in planning. It has been incessant in fact, when it comes to his failures.

Don't even get me started on it please.

Truly appaling man. Devastating.

He seriously does not know how to reward the talent in the team.

Hence, from now onwards, I shall destroy the bible I wrote for the newbies which has facilitated training by a mile and made it way more effective than in the past. With my bible, the newbies can learn faster and they can even refer back if they happen to forget some of the details, which happen very frequently, particularly for the very new guys.

So, I'm going to withdraw the bible and I'm going to have nothing to do with the training from now onwards. Call me selfish or whatever you want but I'm not going to do a losing business.

It doesn't pay to put in so much effort because you have a fucked up supervisor that knows nothing and is always panicky in times of crisis.

Sick of his trite comments in an attempt to bond. I will ignore him the next time he tries to strike a conversation.

I have to be relentless on this one. No mercy

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