Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth hour

Today is the day where you have to save one hour of electricity.

That is pretty easy. Just shut off all the electricity in your house for 1 hour and start to ruminate about what other things you can do to save the earth.

Use that 1 hour wisely, stay away from your handphones, computers and television sets. Just think to yourself what you can do in the future to stop this world from being obliterated as a result of global warming.

Let's look at the stark difference between a lighted city and a switched-off city.

Ostensibly it seems like a great movement, where the world can save one hour of electricity. But to think of it as a one-shot pony campagin will result it in being a futile attempt to move the world.

What I mean here is that the 1-hour global campaign is to remind the others of the pivotal importance of saving electricity in your everyday life. Obviously that 1 hour saving is not going to do a thing as compared to the rest of the number of hours in your 365 days. The point here is to offer us a caveat that if we do not our part, soon our city will be perpetually living in darkness like during that of the 1 hour we are experiencing.

Campaigns, events, advertisements are going all out to remind us about the 1 hour campaign today.

If they are doing it to merely remind us to switch off the electricity for 1 hour, don't you think that the total cost we saved would have been overwrited by the cost of all the campaigns, events and advertisements used altogether ?

Then what's the point right?

Hence, we should look at the bigger picture and start to save electricity whenever possible. Especially when we are not using any appliances.

A final note, if you switch off your appliances rather than putting them on standby mode, you can save up to $50 a year. That might be very littlt but imagine if everyone is doing that, the amount saved would be gargantuan.

Do not think of it as an individual effort, think of it as a global effort.

I presume that is what the Earth hour campaign is trying to tell us.

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