Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Google Uncensors

In a long-awaited announcement, Google said Monday that it will stop censoring search services on google.cn, its Chinese search site.

Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) is now redirecting its Chinese users to its Hong Kong site, google.com.hk, which offers uncensored search results, according to Google's company blog. Google's search site for Chinese users is now hosted on servers that are in Hong Kong.

Well, it seems that after much persuasion, China is still adamant about its stand on self-censorship. It appears that there is no way the burgeoning giant is going to let a step back on this one and that Google can only take a back seat and obey China on this one.

Nonetheless, as you guys can see, Google has decided to finally uncensor everything at the risk of offending China. They are currently testing the water by hosting their sites based in Hong Kong in order not to infringe the rights of China but even by doing so, their search services still can be banned within the borders of the country per se.

This also includes it Chrome services, its operating system and its Android services along with its online-advertising business.

It will have a huge impinge on Google if they were forced to leave altogether because these services hold a gargantuan amount of revenue for Google and has the potential to set the platform for Asia. China could jolly well be a pedestal for Google to step on in an attemp to reach the entire of the Asia in terms of spreading its clout and services as a giant corporation.

Nonetheless, China will most probably not do such a fatuous thing because it will leave a bad trademark on them if they were to ban Google altogether from China. It will have adverse effects on its public relations and the entire world will be scrutinizing China once again for barring the global giant from entering its market.

To be honest, the world is already scrutinizing China's operations. A while back, United States governors have already tried to request for a litigation against China for manipulating its currencies in an effort to support its exports business. By doing so, they are actually impeding United State's recovery as a result.

Also, China is notoriously infamous for its protectionism policies and thus it is really difficult for other businesses to thrive in China. Domestic industries are booming because they can export easily without much tax but they can't import because the import taxes are hefty due to a weak currency.

With so many eyes staring at China, I doubt they will self inflict damage on themselves by barring Google altogether.

Credits -cnn, -osmoothie, -amnesty, -sanssoucistu

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