Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cognitive Dissonance

That's the most apposite title I can possible find for this post.

Why? You are about to find out.

Let me put forward this situation to you.

Have you been so set on something, that you tell yourself that you are very confident in what you are about to do or what you are about to say?

But after some passing remarks, you realised that maybe I can't do it as I thought. Perhaps all those preparations are not enough!

I'm sure that three days before your presentation, you seem all well prepared. However, on the day itself, after someone labelled the presentation before you (which you thought was exciting) as being lackadaisical and inane, you suddenly become flabbergasted.

You feel really lost and that all the confidence which you once had had been completely obliterated by those remarks.

Well there's a psychological theory named cognitive dissonance.

Human in general feels uneasy where there's dissonance between them and the external environment. And so, to cancel out that uneasiness, they try to synchronize(or make peace) with that environment.

When someone oppose to our original belief, whether weak or strong, it will be weakened for sure. So how much will it be weakened by, that's the question we all want to know right?

Well, it solely depends on your own confidence level and of course your experience in the field. If you are completely sure of your faith, then there's no question that you will pull through it no matter what.

So how do you distinguish between strong and weak faith?

It's pretty flagrant if you ask me. Well you might tell yourself that I truly believe in this, but you can test it out easily.

1. Tell yourself that is it what you think and what you will do no matter what happens? Like really no matter what happens.

2. What evidence do you have to prove? Also, how sure are you that your evidence are concrete and authentic?

Well that's it for now. Test your faith and enjoy your stay here!

Do add your comments if you have your own personal experiences of insecurity to share.

Credits -blogspot, -videojug, -eslpod

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