Friday, February 5, 2010

3D Effects

These pictures below seriously freaked me out and they chronically give me the vibes. I have this phobia of them because it makes me feel as if I'm tumbling down.

Then again, I guess they are extremely effective when it comes to the application of advertising.

In advertising, it is all about building a uniform form of consistency throughout the board, that is to have an enticing core story that traps the consumers in your imaginery world. Dissonance will only cause internal conflict among your marketing tools.

When it comes to trade shows, people promoting fertilisers are able to dress in Doctor coats to promote the fertilisers, as medicine to the land, to the farmers.

But how often are trade shows conducted? They can be extravagant and comes at an exorbitant price too.

Conversely, if you were to apply the theory of open public, we can use the 3D pictures below.

Wow, Mountain Dew with Transformers!

Even robots chose them as their fuel

Talking about sci-fi 3D movies? There you have it!

RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What other better way to promote Heineken than this ?

Look at the amount of attention it attracts everyday? The point is, you have completely achieved your aim, that is to build immense awareness and exposure to your product. More important, to let people have a time of their life with your products.

They get so close to your products that they even want to take a picture with it. When they do, more people want to do so too because these products are classified in the "COOL" category.

Then people post these pictures on their facebook and respective social networks and the word of mouth spreads again.

More and more people begin to take notice of these pictures and they remember them. It becomes indelible.

In conclusion, you are not only giving them a picture but you are bringing them on a whole new experience with your product, which entices even more to join in the fun!

Credits -gpgt

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