Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mini mini games

Ever heard of this website? The website we used to visit in the past to play stupid lame games? But at the end of the day, it helped us to de-stress and we end up having lots of fun.

But it died down as the time pass, why is that so?

1 reason: There's not enough new games. They come in infrequently and they always sucks.

As the time past, people are sick of the their new games, they lose confidence in them and have decided to abandon it altogether.

However, facebook and iPhone have both managed to revive the dead-old minigames.

They have revolutionized minigames altogether.

How else do you think facebook has managed to sustain itself? I hear from people that they are actually sick of facebook already.

They stare at random status messages, with the same old people posting the same old emo messages daily. It's kinda draining away all our energy when you see people getting upset and stuff. They are like black holes sucking up all your personality and energy.

But the difference is that there's Mafia Wars, Farmsville, Restaurant City, Sushi Bar and of course the all time favourite Mouse Hunter.

Then let's take a diversion towards iPhone.

I'm sure that I do not have to say much about it when it comes to the myriad amount of applications it possesses. There are too many and the best part is that the number will just keep increasing by many, many folds in the years to come.

It's incessant.

In fact, I will have to say that iPhone is the ne plus ultra of mobile phones. Do you notice the way people use their phones?

1. To call.

2. To SMS.

3. To check facebook, windows live messenger, twitter and emails.

Only a small group of the public actually use it for business purposes. But, how often do you actually witness people opening up Microsoft programmes on their phones ? Very seldom I would have to say, I mean people have their laptops to do that. Why would they stare into a small screen just to write an essay?

So what do we use our phones for? Well, when we are bored.

When we have absolutely nothing to do, we will take out our phones. When we are bored by the people around us, we take out our phones. When we are alone, we take out our phones.

At least, that's what I always do. Do you?

But the problem is this, once you are done checking whether you have any incoming SMSes, emails, facebook updates, you are practically left with nothing to do!

However, thank god, that's a problem of the past. Now, with the iPhone, you can actually play some brainless yet enticing games alone, or with a friend, it is even possible with many friends.

Aside from that, new games just keep popping up all the time. The craze just keeps going and it's perpetual.

Once you are bored of it, another new game pops up and everyone starts to download it and it becomes the talk of the day.

That's the power of facebook and iPhone.

They made use of ever-green new mini games to keep their users addicted, so that they will never be bored of the device per se.

Just an interesting fact I thought of as I was running through my own thoughts.

How do you feel about that?

Do tag your opinions :)

Credits -cygnett, -amazonaws, -behlerblog, -tinypic

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