Friday, May 7, 2010

AT&T Shares iPhone

Previously, the iPhone can only be operated on a GSM network but everything is going to change soon. In the future, the iPhone will be able to be operated on a CDMA network used on Verizon as well.

With the leverage provided, the prerogative of AT&T is ending. Soon, Verizon will join in the gladiator fight and we will see some fierce and intense competition between the both of them once again.

AT&T and Verizon are de facto competitors with a symbiosis relationship rather than destructive one. They help each other improve their products, their lines, their collaborators and their price policies as well.

A while back, we see AT&T lowering their price plans to encourage people to sign up for their data plans and immediately, you see Verizon following suit.

They keep up with the trend by following not just the market, but tagging close to their competitor. From this case, we can see the epitome of competitiveness, to never let your competitor lose your sight.

That is the key of business. They are a great source of benchmark for you to keep yourself updated.

Nonetheless, we should not always be dependent on them for news or we will be lagging behind and there will be little chances of our own breakthrough. Of course, we should go more into Research and Development now which is a hot field.

Look at neuromarketing, and the fact that people are improving their price plans goes to show that they are focussing on the importance of data plans

Why is data plans so important ? Well, simply put, an increasing number of people are surfing the net via their handphones and smartphones rather than on the net. We are constantly on the move now and at the same time, we need to be updated. So where do we get the news from? From our smartphones of course.

Equipped with the latest technology, iPhone has thousands of applications for you to enjoy both in terms of play and work.

Hence, AT&T might not really lose even though Verizon has gotten the rights to allow the iPhone to work on their network.

In fact, I believe that it will benefit AT&T more than ever. Afterall, being a sole distributor is insidious, for it will stultify you before you know it!

Credits -buffalothrillsbusiness, -larryfire, -cnn

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