Friday, December 31, 2010


This is a very interesting post.

I encourage those who feel easily intimidated to read it.

I took a long time to discover this.

Have you guys read the manga post?

Does the character Killua remind you of youself?

Do you always think that your competitor is always in his/her top condition and you being in your average condition?

Even when you are as smart as your competitor, you always think that you will screw up and that he/she will trash you.

Even if he is weaker than you, you will start to think that you might not be at your best condition and that the weaker competitor might have that "eureka" moment and end up beating you.

The worst part is when your competitor is stronger than you, for instance, some scholar or something.

So look at the above 3 scenarios, which of the 3 scenarios were you a winner?

The answer is NONE, very sad and pathetic isn't it?

So the moral of the story is, you must not only be able to tackle those who are just as good as you. But the key is here is that you need to be brave enough to face off with those that are smarter than you.

If you give up right from the start, you will never ever be able to rise to the top and beat them. Then again, I'm not saying that you must reach the top of the corporate ladder.

Its just that it is crucial to fine-tune your mentality, to prepare yourself to fight the stronger enemies.

The people at the University is good, but they are not great without the working experience. You will face even stronger competitors out there in the work force.

Don't forget the people from Google and Wall Street, the real elites.

Until you are on par with those people, you must keep pushing yourself, fighting all the competitors you face, no matter how strong they are.

You will get intimidated but you should not stop there, keep fighting and persevere.

In the midst of the battle, you might just discover the key to victory!

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