Monday, December 20, 2010

An end to the first Semester

Finally, today is the last day of my exam.

Semester 1 is over. Is it fast? Well, it sure as hell was because everything was so hectic so inevitably, I lost track of time. Sometimes, I really wonder if it is time that is moving so quickly or is it that I'm wasting my time away. But then again, I'm really glad this Semester is done. I really learnt a lot from this semester.

I get a first-hand look at my peers, how good they are. I get to see how the tutors actually teach in the University. To be honest, they are better than I expected. My vision of tutors in the University is that they will run through theories randomly without any order and expect you to take notes on the spot.

However, clearly I was wrong, there is indeed order and in fact, it is pretty systematic and they do take the additional effort to teach slowly to make sure we actually understand.

I guess I did well for my first Semester, well not that results are out already, its just that I feel that I really could grasp the concepts and the feeling is really good when you actually know that you understood something. Its not just my hard work that led to me performing well for my first Semester.

Another key factor is the guidance from the tutors. Honestly, I'm really quite guilty for talking back to my tutors sometimes, insisting that I'm right. On hindsight, its really a bit childish and immature. They are afterall professors and humans, so naturally they do make mistakes and all they were trying to do were merely to guide us and teach us in the best possible way.

Now, after the first Semester, I could fully appreciate their efforts and I hope to redeem myself by being a good student during my Semester 2 because Year 1 comes to an end. Before I know it, Semester 2 will be over.

Hence, for now, I will just enjoy my 1 month break before the entire cycle repeats itself. And this time round, I vow to be stronger, more intelligent and of course, more humble.


Aaron Bay Mingde

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