Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Facebook, A Marketer's best tool

Armed with your e-mail address, data miners can hit Facebook and match it up with your user ID. That key unlocks a treasure trove of personal information.

"Once you have an ID you can look up the person," said Axel Schultze, CEO of Xeesm, a social media marketing software developer. That gives you access to all the information publicly available in their profile, and from that, "you can build correlations between all sorts of other data."

Its really scary how seemingly senseless data can actually form a picture that tells a story about your life.

The technology is so powerful that it can even identify people who have talked to the particular terrorists before. All the connections will be revealed in an instant through technological tools by linking all the data together to form meaningful information.

That is the power of technology these days. 

Facebook's in an unenviable position: Its entire reason for being is to encourage members to connect and broadcast personal information. The more you share, the stronger Facebook's business model becomes. But the site is also trying to balance that against a pledge to respect its members' privacy preferences.

This is really true if we look at the Metcalfe's model that states that the value of a network increases exponentially with the number of network members.

The more people there are, means that there are way, way more connections between all the members in the network. It increases the chance of interactions between strangers and they share more information in the process.

These information are priceless to the business out there.

So, Facebook definitely still has a long way to go and hopefully it will not end up in demise anytime soon.

Credits -cnn

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