Sunday, April 25, 2010

It will pay off

Okay, there's going to be a number of technical terms in this post.

So please bear with me on this one.

I learnt a lot at my workplace so far, during my 1month 16 days stay there.

Although the roles are pretty much repititive, I have tried my best to squeeze the most out of it and to master all the necessary skills that are pivotal for my job.

One of which is to maintain a healthy relationship with the staff from Department B. I will like to emphasis on this because it is extremely crucial, in fact its the ne plus ultra of business, to have healthy relationships with everyone.

Basically, I'm from Department A.

Sorry, I cannot list the name of the departments for security reasons.

So I was issuing the forms today and I realised that I told the PM shift girl that there are 9 important forms left in the cupboard that needs to be distributed by 5pm.

In the end, guess what? Yes, they totally forgot about it and it slipped off my mind as well.

I totally forgot to double check and I only realised it at 5:10pm. Hence, I went around searching for people to pass the forms to but everyone went out for dinner and I was practically floundering because there is simply no one around, including the executives who went out for dinner.

But I tried to maintain a placid persona and I thought I can wait for them to come back and then I pass the forms to them. But it is extremely cumbersome for them to do forms after 5pm because there are a lot of tedious procedures to go through and most of the people in Department B will reject the forms.

At that point in time, I was panicking a bit. I have to admit it.

It was intense but in the end, the guy from Department B is willing to do it.

Thank god I maintained a healthy relationship with the Department B, you never know when you need their help.

To be honest, these people come to our Department for forms every single day and we are the ones issuing the forms to them and we print out the report for them to sign. So we can be mean to them any other day but the problem is that when you need their help, they will do the same to you.

So the moral of the story here is to be nice to everyone for you really never know when you might employ their help.

If you think that you will never meet him or require his help in the future, then you are wrong, very wrong.

Under unprescedented circumstances, you will never know!

At the end of the day, it's your choice.

You can choose the actions, but not the consequences!

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