Friday, July 16, 2010

Apple needs to reflect

I have always thought that Apple is getting more and more complacent.

Firstly, they are not like Google, they do not support an open system. Instead, they based all their research and opinions on their employees. They totally missed the point that the customers are the ones that can provide them with the most unbiased feedback.

If they continue to be so adamant about their needs, they will soon end up in oblivion. Well not that soon of course, considering that there are millions of die-hard fans out there who are willing to empty their pockets for Apple.

Nonetheless, sustaining the number of their customers is one thing, increase the number is another. How can Apple continue to attract more people and talent if they are so oblivious to the happenings around them?

Let's just look at the recent invention of the iPhone 4. Many have complained that the reception will be cut off immediately once a part of the phone is blocked. This is especially a huge problem for left-handers.

The best part is that Apple has requested for the buyers to get a special casing so as to restore the lost reception caused by the design.

Apple said on June 25 that "gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance." It said customers can use the $29 plastic bumper to resolve the iPhone 4's loss of reception.

This is outrageous, simply preposterous!

1. Why must the consumers go get the casing when its not their fault ?

2. Shouldn't Apple rectify the problem by themselves instead of telling the consumers to do the additional chore?

Chief Executive Jobs was also reported to have emailed a consumer, saying, "Just avoid holding it in that way," and telling another "It's not a reception issue, stay tuned."

From my perspective, it almost seems like Apple is ordering their customers to solve the problem by themselves. They have merely provided the solution but they did not execute it swiftly.

You don't order the customers around like that. You will piss them off.

The worst part is that they are trying to circumvent. They do not have the courage to face up to a mistake when they commit one. It's really enigmatic.

Is it that hard to admit to your mistake and learn from it? I mean, all the consumers are already giving you their feedbacks and yet you are not accepting them like a hero.

Rather, you are dodging all the arrows and bullets shot at you like a coward.

To my chagrin, Apple is hopeless.

If they still do not buck up, even their die-hard fans will say goodbye to them.

One day, they will. Trust me

Credits -marketwatch, -eweekeurope, -weblogs, -erazer

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